Synthetic data

Need for Synthetic data

Synthetic data creation is the process of faking data that seem to be raw data collected from the real world. This process involved the creation of data that possess similar characteristics of actual data and acts as a model to real data and real life events. Secondary, synthetic data is suitable for training of machine learning models in situations where it would be difficult to gather large quantities of true data because of the factors such as privacy and cost like in the healthcare industry it is hard to come across data because of the HIPAA laws that govern the use of data. The issue here is that in real-life data may be scarce or expensive to accumulate. At times the synthetic data is integrated with the real data sets to enhance training of the models to better capabilities.

Synthetic data advantages


Reduces the risk of data breaches

Reduces the risk of data breaches and ensures compliance with privacy laws


Reduces costs

Reduces costs associated with data collection and annotation


Easily scalable

Easily scalable to generate large datasets and adaptable to various scenarios.


designed to mitigate biases

Can be designed to mitigate biases present in real-world data.


diverse training data

Provides diverse training data, which can improve the robustness and accuracy of models.


synthetic data

However, synthetic data lacks realism and can be technically challenging and resource intensive and more often generating high quality synthetic data relies on availability of real data which could be limited.

Our services

Synthetic Data Generation

datasets tailored to specific business needs.

Data Privacy and Compliance Solutions

Developing synthetic datasets that comply with privacy regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, and CCPA

Data Augmentation

Enhancing existing datasets with synthetic data to improve the training of machine learning models.

Bias Mitigation

Designing synthetic data to address and reduce biases present in real-world datasets

Custom Algorithm Development

Creating and implementing custom algorithms for generating high-quality synthetic data that closely mimics real-world data.

Consulting and Strategy Development

integrating synthetic data into existing data workflows and strategies..

Training and Support

training sessions and ongoing support for teams to effectively use and manage synthetic data

Why choose us

At greymatterz , we specialize in cloud migrations and infrastructure, providing solutions that deliver agility, scalability, and resilience while reducing the need for on-premises hardware and maintenance. Our cloud consulting services accelerate digital transformation by enabling rapid deployment, enhancing security, ensuring compliance, and significantly reducing costs. With our expertise, we support advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and big data analytics, driving deeper business insights and innovation. Our flexible storage and computing options adapt to changing business needs, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced operational efficiency.Our comprehensive services include assessing cloud maturity, evaluating costs and benefits, designing tailored cloud strategies, and ensuring robust security and compliance. We transform outdated systems into agile, cloud-native applications and develop scalable, resilient applications that adapt quickly and optimize costs. Additionally, we streamline DevOps pipelines to improve efficiency and performance. Partnering with us means gaining a dedicated team committed to helping you achieve your business transformation goals and maintaining a competitive edge in the digital age.